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Wireless secondary control system

What is it?

A wireless keypad typically mounted onto or combined with a steering aid which enables finger or thumb activation of up to 18 of the vehicles’ secondary controls (i.e., indicators, lights, wipers, horn etc). The existing vehicle controls still work and can be operated in the conventional way.

Also known as ‘infra-red’ or ‘remote’ secondary control system.

What the adaptation is used for?

Drivers who have the use of only one upper limb for the purpose of steering and operating the secondary controls.

Factors to consider
  • Different manufacturers produce different designs so consideration should
    be given to the dexterity and hand size of the driver 
  • Operation of the keypad whilst driving should be easy and not require attention to be taken away from the road
  • In most cases, manual cancellation of an indicator following a manoeuvre will be required
  • Would a different adapted method of secondary control be more appropriate? For example, an indicator stalk extension, wired-in mini-keypad or a bleeper system 
Safety considerations for other drivers of the vehicle

As the device is clamped into a bracket attached to the steering wheel it can be easily and quickly removed should someone else wish to drive the vehicle as standard.

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PRACDRIVA is an initiative managed by Driving Mobility, a registered charity number: 298178.
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