A hoist is an assistive device for lifting. Fitted into the boot area of a vehicle, it offers those with a mobility issue an independent loading and stowage solution for a wheelchair or scooter.
Wheelchairs and scooters can be heavy and awkward to pick-up therefore it is not recommended practice for a person to lift one into a vehicle without the assistance of a hoist. Dismantling a mobility scooter to aid loading into a vehicle can be effortful and time consuming but a boot-mounted hoist should negate this, the hoist is able to support the weight of the scooter in its entirety.
Hoists are most compatible with larger vehicles such as estates or people carriers with flat boot access and a large door opening.
Once the wheelchair or scooter is fitted with the required compatible brackets by an adaptation engineer, the arm or ‘boom’ of the hoist moves over the wheelchair or scooter and is lowered down to connect to the brackets. Once connected, the weight of the wheelchair or scooter is lifted by the hoist via a powered ‘up/down’ switch (2-way hoist) or ‘up/down/in/out’ switch (4-way hoist).
Once loaded into a vehicle, it is important that the wheelchair or scooter is stowed securely for travel. Securing straps may be required.
Drivers should ensure that all mobility aids or loose items are stowed safely and securely prior to driving.
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