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Cognitive Function

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  • is the mental processes that allow individuals to carry out tasks. 
  • These skills allow the individual to have an active role in the processes of receiving, choosing, transforming, storing, processing and retrieval of information.  
  • It includes learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention among others.
  • Driving is recognised as a complex task which requires safe co-ordination of multiple cognitive processes simultaneously1.In relation to the task of driving the cognitive skills that are recognised as most important include 
  1. Attention – this includes focused attention (so driver can react to unpredictable events), divided/selective attention (so driver can ignore distractors and attend to hazardous stimuli) and sustained attention (to keep driver engaged with driving task).Executive attention allows the driver to monitor multiple aspects of a complex traffic situation and select what to focus on.Visual attention allows the driver to select what visual information is important and exclude unnecessary information in complex visual scenes.3
  2. Executive function – this includes planning, decision making, self-regulation and mental flexibility which are all important in the task of driving.4
  3. Memory – working memory is the short term, temporary information that the individual holds whilst using it to complete a task5Procedural memory is part of longterm memory and is the store of information needed to do an action e.g. start ignition in a car without conscious thought. 
  4. Visuo spatial skill – individuals ability to identify visual and spatial relationships6.  This is needed to appreciate movement, distance perception and spatial navigation when driving.

Continued: Cognitive Function Author Lynne Hutton 10.10.19

1 Roca, Crundall, Moreno-Rios, Castro and Lupianez, 2013)

2 Roca, Castro, Lopez-Ramon& Lupianez, 2011

3 Weaver, Bedard, McAuliffe &Parkkari, 2009

4 Squire, 2009

5 Asimakopulos, Boychuck, Sondergaard, Poulin, Menard & Korner-Bitensky, 2011

5 Baddeley,2012

6 Dickerson, Bradford & Alireza Atri (2014).  Dementia: Comprehensive principles and Practices.  Oxford University Press.  Pg 467-8.

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